
A Kinect-based daily activity center for autistic children

Harley Hero 2

Design Challenge

How might we help people who have special needs through technology

How might create a financial platform for users who have very lessknowledge of technology

Project Type

24 Hour Microsoft Hackathon


I was the only designer on the team and lead the research and experience design (UX + UI) for Harley.


Product Thinking, Research, Concept Development, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Prototyping


Parag Nandi, Abhishek Kandoi, Dhaval Kapil,
Sopan Khosla

Parag Nandi, Abhishek Kandoi, Dhaval Kapil, Sopan Khosla

Parag Nandi, Abhishek Kandoi, Dhaval Kapil, Sopan Khosla


All India Rank - 2 in Design Milestone
All India Rank - 9 in Coding Milestone

About Microsoft Code.Fun.Do

Code.Fun.Do is a Microsoft sponsored nationwide hackathon where student teams need to come up with an application prototype for windows platform in 24 hours. The complete program is spread over a weekend involving workshops, brainstorming, and development, followed by demos and results.

As part of the Code.Fun.Do challenge, we decided to explore how technology can be used to help people who have special needs. This drew our attention to the issue of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) among children in India.

Research Methods

UL Green
Interview Green

Unstructured Interviews of IIT Roorkee Doctors

Prototype Green

Bodystorming using the prototype developed during Hackathon

Secondary Research Green

Secondary Research(Research Papers, Blogs)

Key Insights

UL Green

1 in 125 children (3–6 years of age) and 1 in 85 children (6–9 years of age) suffer from ASD.


Early interventions are necessary to help these children live a normal life.

Early interventions are necessary to help these children live a normal life.


Need for specialized professionals makes early intervention therapies expensive and less feasible.

Need for specialized professionals makes early intervention therapies expensive and less feasible.


Parent-mediated, home training is more affordable and ensures delivery of the therapy in natural settings.

Parent-mediated, home training is more affordable and ensures delivery of the therapy in natural settings.

Problem Statement

Design an early intervention tool to help autistic children improve their motor, cognitive and behavioral skills.

The Challenge

Harley should feel natural for children to interact with and the tracking should be unintrusive to let users express themselves without restraint.

To keep the interactions natural and unintrusive we used Kinect to track the user activities.

The tool has to be engaging and fun to use as it is targeted towards children.

We delivered the experience through games and fun activities like Star jump, Hurdle Jump, etc.

It should help users overcome the motor, cognitive and communication barriers.

Harley empowers users to overcome these barriers through various activities:
(i) Star jump: helps increase concentration and motor skills
(ii) Facial expression: improves muscle-neuron coordination
(iii) Hurdle Jump: gives a boost to concentration and motor skills
(iv) Karaoke Style Poem Reading: helps improve speaking abilities

User Interface Solution

UL Green
Harley UI 1

Prototype Developed During Hackathon

You can find the source code of Harley on Github

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@2021 Parag Nandi