About 4

?  Hi, I am Parag. I hail from a small hilly state called Tripura in India, and it's my first time in the US. I am currently pursuing my Master's in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. I am super excited to learn from the US tech industry and contribute as a designer.

I have an engineering background with a Master's degree in Geological Technology from IIT Roorkee, but I found my passion in UX Design through student projects and internships.

Before joining UW, I worked as an Interaction Designer at Samsung Research with the IoT Wearable and Intelligence Team—crafting experiences for Galaxy Watch users, designing applications of AI, and multi-device experiences.

⛰ ? ?  I am passionate about hiking, trekking, and photography, and I love to watch animated movies. P.S. I'm a big Studio Ghibli fan!

Explorer by choice, designer by profession

Explorer by choice, designer by profession

Explorer by choice, designer by profession

UL Main


UL Main

Travel. Photography. Fitness. Hiking. Trekking. Gardening. 

I find myself through travel & photography. My solo travels across the Himalayan foothills taught me to see the world through the lens of beauty in simplicity. It shaped me as a person and a designer.

Capturing the tiny moments of my travels through photography brings immense joy to me. I love creating a confluence of abstractness and the stories of the people I meet during my travels.

I love to trek and go hiking in the woods. It allows me to stretch my imaginations beyond preconceived boundaries and come back to the drawing board with a clear mind and new ideas.

One day I would love to open my own cafe right where the mountain meets the ocean — where I can meet weary travelers and share our stories. 
Till then, the journey continues...



@2021 Parag Nandi